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Commonly Used Terms in RecomSale
Commonly Used Terms in RecomSale
  1. Affiliate Program

    Start by creating a program in RecomSale, where you'll establish essential commission rules, primarily focusing on commission rates.

  2. Affiliate Sign-Up Page

    Upon installing RecomSale, an affiliate sign-up page, tailored to your brand, is automatically generated. It can be seamlessly integrated into your store menu for recruiting members, ambassadors, and influencers. Alternatively, you can share this link when inviting potential influencers via social media or email.

  3. Affiliate Cooperation Status

    Keep an eye on your affiliates' cooperation status, which includes categories such as Pending, Approved, Denied, and Stopped. Approved affiliates have the privilege to promote your store or products. Affiliates who halt their cooperation cannot continue promoting, but previously generated affiliate orders and commission bills remain unaffected.

  4. Affiliate Links

    Affiliate links encompass both store links and product links, serving as tools for affiliates to promote your offerings. Any order stemming from these links falls under the category of an affiliate order.

  5. Cookies Duration

    Cookies duration signifies the maximum number of days following the last click before an order is placed (typically within 30-90 days). During this timeframe, RecomSale tracks orders made from the same device and browser-initiated by a customer who initially clicked an affiliate's promotional link. No further clicks or referral orders are recorded after this duration if another member's link is not used.

  6. Affiliate Discount Codes

    Affiliates have an additional promotional tool—discount codes. When customers place orders using an affiliate's discount code, RecomSale records the transaction as an affiliate order, triggering the associated commission.

  7. Affiliate Orders

    Any order attributed to a customer through an affiliate's efforts is categorized as an affiliate order.

  8. Commission Refund Orders

    If an affiliate order incurs commission payment but is subsequently refunded by the customer, the affiliate is responsible for refunding the commission. The refunded commission amount will be deducted from future payments to protect your interests.

  9. Commission Bills

    In the "Payments" menu, you can initiate the "Generate Bills" function. This action updates the status of approved affiliate orders to unpaid and calculates pending commission bills based on unpaid affiliate orders and commission refund orders.

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