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Display the Card Carousel on the Home Page
Display the Card Carousel on the Home Page

Trustoo leverages the Card Carousel to show customer reviews in a more visually appealing and engaging way which attracts more customers to read reviews, thus helping them make purchase decisions and leading to higher conversions for your Shopify store.

Now, see how to display the Card Carousel on the Home Page by following the below steps.

Add Card Carousel in Theme Editor

1. Go to the Widget section, and choose the Card Carousel, the Card Carousel page will appear. Click the Go to settings button under the Add Apps Section on the Theme Homepage.

2. Then, you will enter the theme editor page.

3. Find Template section on the Home page, click Add section

4. Scroll down in the Apps in the Add section, find Card Carousel and click Add

4. After adding, you can preview it on the right side.

5. Press and hold the button behind Apps, drag it to adjust the position

6. After adjusting the position, click Save. Great, now you're all set.

Set the Color Layout Text of the Card Carousel 

1. Go back to the Trustoo Widget section, and choose the Card Carousel.  

2. Under the Show Reviews, you have two choices to set reviews display.

  • All: Displays 12 of all reviews in the store

  • Featured: Display the latest 12 featured reviews in the store, (how to set featured reviews)  

3. In the Header, you can hide the display and set the color of the header

4. Widget Layout

It is used to set the display effect and color of the carousel block.

5. Scroll Buttons

It is used to set the color of the page-turning button.

6. Set Texts

You can choose the text language and modify them here.

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