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Earn and spend points in store using Shopify POS.
Earn and spend points in store using Shopify POS.

This article explains how customers can accumulate and redeem points for in-store purchases, enhancing customer engagement both online and at physical store locations.

Implementing Loloyal Loyalty with Shopify POS:

  1. Initial Setup: Ensure you have both Loloyal Loyalty and Shopify POS installed on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Activation Process:
    • Open Shopify POS on your mobile device.
    • From the POS home screen, select the App option.
    • Choose Loloyal from the list of apps.
    • Once set up, a Loloyal Loyalty title will appear in the apps section.

Configuring In-Store Points Redemption:

  1. Reward Options: You can offer two types of rewards in-store: a fixed amount or a percentage off.
  2. Setting up Rewards:
    • Access the Loloyal Loyalty dashboard, navigate to the Points program, and find the 'Ways to Redeem' section.
    • Add rewards specific to Shopify POS.
    • These rewards will be visible through the POS app or Loloyal online, only to the merchant.

Earning Points Through In-Store POS Orders:

  • Customers earn points on in-store purchases.
  • To attribute points, add the customer to their profile on the POS system during checkout.
  • Customers will be notified via email about their earned points.

Spending Points in In-Store POS Orders:

  • When checking out in-store, adding a customer to the cart will display their points balance.
  • To redeem points, choose an appropriate reward during checkout.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Redeeming Online Rewards In-Store: In-store, only POS-specific rewards can be redeemed. Other rewards remain online-exclusive.
  • Visibility of Rewards in POS App: Only POS-specific rewards are available in the Shopify POS app.
  • Tracking Points Redemption: POS orders will show a discount line item indicating point usage. The customer's profile will detail the redemption under the activity section.
  • Refunding Points: If a discount is removed, or the customer is cleared from the cart, points are automatically refunded.
  • Correct Customer Profile: Ensure the correct customer profile is used, especially if a customer has multiple emails.

This system creates a cohesive experience for customers, allowing them to engage with your brand seamlessly, whether shopping online or at a physical location.

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