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How Do the Affiliates Work in RecomSale?
How Do the Affiliates Work in RecomSale?

Step 1: Apply to the affiliate program

  • Apply to your affiliate program and wait to be approved.

Step 2: Promote

  • Access to provided resources: store affiliate links, product affiliate links, exclusive discount codes, and intuitive product marketing assets.

  • Use marketing channels to promote Merchant's store or products, such as TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

  • Bring the affiliate orders

Step 3: Earn commission

  • Review the Commission Bill and charge a commission for each successful affiliate order.

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What are the Commissionable Sales in RecomSale?
What Are the RecomSale's Commission Rules?
What Is the Merchant's Workflow in RecomSale?
Commonly Used Terms in RecomSale
What is Recomsale?