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How to get started?
How to get started?

EcomSend is dedicated to offering a seamless user experience with a simple three-step process to showcase popups on your storefront.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Activate App Embed

  • Access the EcomSend admin panel, select the 'Dashboard' tab.
  • Click on 'Enable app embed' to activate.
  • Remember to save changes in the Shopify theme editor.
  • Note: If your store theme has been changed, re-activation of the app embed is necessary.
  • App embed, endorsed by Shopify, offers a streamlined, code-free installation process. Learn more from Shopify's guide here.

Step 2: Create and Personalize Your Popup

  • In the EcomSend admin, navigate to the 'Popups' tab.
  • Click 'Create popup', choose a template, and then click 'Create popup' again.
  • Customize the popup to align with your brand's aesthetics.

Step 3: Publish Your Popup

  • Activate the widget by clicking the blue switch.
  • For multiple popups, you can also activate them from your popup library.

This method ensures a clean and safe popup display, enhancing your storefront's user experience.

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