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How to integrate with Shopify Flow?
How to integrate with Shopify Flow?

Integrating EcomSend with Shopify Flow can streamline your workflow, especially when managing new subscribers from your popups. Here’s a simplified guide:

Step-by-Step Integration Process:

  1. Initiating Workflow Creation:

    • Access the Shopify Flow admin panel.
    • Start the process by opting to create a new workflow.

    Example Use Case: Let's say your goal is to tag new 

  2. email subscribers automatically with "New Subscriber".

  3. Setting the Trigger:

    • Choose EcomSend as the trigger.
    • Opt for the 'Get new subscribers' option.

  4. Configuring Conditions:

    • Set up specific conditions that need to be met for the workflow to be activated.
  5. Defining Actions:

    • Determine the actions that will be executed once the conditions are met. This could involve tagging customers, sending notifications, or updating records.

  6. Activating the Workflow:

    • Ensure to enable the workflow to make it operational.

By following these steps, you can effectively automate your customer engagement process, making it more efficient and responsive to the actions of your subscribers on EcomSend.

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