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How to Manage Languages with ETranslate?
How to Manage Languages with ETranslate?

Handling Languages

In this section, we'll explore how to manage the different languages for your online store using Etranslate.

Default Language

The default language is the primary language your online store uses. To manage it, navigate to Shopify admin >> Online store >> Theme. It's important to note that Etranslate will not alter your default language. We strongly advise against changing the default language, as doing so may lead to additional work or potential translation errors.

Target Language

The target language is the language you want to add to your store for translation. To add a new target language, simply click the "Add language" button. Keep in mind that newly added languages are typically untranslated by default. To handle the translation of these languages, visit the Translation page on Etranslate.

When you're ready to make a target language available to your customers, be sure to publish it. Additionally, if you're utilizing Shopify Markets, ensure that the target language is enabled for one or more markets.

To preview a language, you can click the "Preview" button on the Language page. Please note that the preview function is not supported when the language shows a status of "Not connected."

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