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Request to make SATC Bar disappear after scrolling to the footer part of page
Request to make SATC Bar disappear after scrolling to the footer part of page

Add below JS codes in Advanced Settings-Custom JavaScript section:

function addScrollListen() {

    if(typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {

        window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll, true)

    } else {

        setTimeout(() => {


        }, 1000)



function handleScroll () {

    let windowH = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight

    let documentH = document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight

    let scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop

    if(windowH + scrollTop >= documentH - 100) {

        jQuery('.giraffly_PCPreview_BOX').css('bottom', '-1000px'); // PC

        jQuery('.giraffly_phoneButtonPreview').css('bottom', '-1000px'); // phone port

    } else {

        jQuery('.giraffly_PCPreview_BOX').css('bottom', '0'); // PC

        jQuery('.giraffly_phoneButtonPreview').css('bottom', '0'); // phone port




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Click ATC button on SATC Bar to automatically jump to top of product pages
Make SATC Bar be round and transparent
Make the add to cart text in bold on mobile and desktop both
SATC Bar/Quick Buy/Sticky Cart is not showing or displaying
What Is SEOAnt Sticky Add To Cart?