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Reward your members for past actions.
Reward your members for past actions.

Feature Overview:

This feature is a game-changer for incentivizing your existing customers. It allows them to earn points for key actions they've already taken, such as signing up or making a purchase, even before the app's installation. It's especially beneficial for acknowledging and rewarding your longstanding customers for their earlier engagements with your store.

Implementing Rewards for Past Actions:

1. Enabling the Feature:

Navigate to your Loyalty Dashboard and go to Settings.

Select the 'Reward Past Actions' option and initiate the process.
Choose the relevant date range to apply this feature retrospectively.
Confirm your selection to start the reward process.


2. Automatic Points Allocation:

  • Points will be automatically assigned for past 'Sign up' and 'Place an order' activities.
  • For instance, if a customer signed up 95 days ago and placed an order, and your points system offers 100 points for signing up and 200 for an order, they will automatically receive 300 points after you enable this feature.

Select Date range and click the Confirm button on the prompt to proceed with the action.

The points will be processed in the background after clicking that button. 

Important Considerations:

1. The system will backfill points only for 'Sign Up' and 'Place an Order' actions.
2. Points are awarded if these actions are currently active in your loyalty program.
3. The backfill will include activities for the last 60 days.
4. Points for past actions will appear in the member's 'Program Activity' but not under 'Recent Orders'.
5. Each reward is issued only once per eligible action performed by the customer.
6. This approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also reinforces their engagement with your brand 7. by acknowledging their loyalty from the outset.

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Earn and spend points in store using Shopify POS.
How to connect with Trustoo?
Import Points via CSV File
Using A Loyalty Link to Add the Loyalty Widget
Getting Started with the Points Program